The French Ministry of Defence procurement agency DGA (Direction Générale de l´Armement) has received the first (L9092) of four EDA-R (Engin de Débarquement Amphibie Rapide) landing catamarans ordered in June 2009 to CNIM (CoNstructions Industrielles de la Méditerranée). The remaining vessels are scheduled to be delivered until mid 2012.

The ships based in the L-CAT concept are built by French SOCARENAM shipbuilder. The contract includes logistic support services.

EDA-R will be operated from the three French Navy (Marine Nationale) BPC (Bâtiment de Projection et de Commandement) command & projection ships, L9013 FS “Mistral” and L9014 FS “Tonnerre”, and as well as L9015 FS “Dixmude”, which will be delivered in February 2012. The two BPCs are now equipped with CTM (Chaland de Transport de Matériel) landing boats. Each BPC is capable to accommodate two EDA-Rs.

EDA-R has a weight of 175 tonnes, a length of 30 meters, a width of 12.6 meters, an autonomy of 400 nautical miles, a top speed of 25 knots (18 knots when full of equipment) and a payload of 80 tonnes. It is equipped with mounts for 12.7mm and 7.62mm machine guns, a navigation radar, tactical communication system and armor. The propulsion consists of four diesel engines and four waterjets.

EDA-R main task is to transport troops, equipment and tactical and armoured vehicle from and to the BPCs. The boats could be used also to evacuate civilian personnel during a humanitarian crisis or to provide relief support or medical equipment to the population affected by a natural disasters or a war.

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