BAE Systems Global Combat Systems started trials on 29 October of its brand new Bofors Mk4 40mm weapon mount in of Gotemburg, Sweden. The trials being conducted in cooperation the FMV (Försvarets MaterielVerk) comprise the installation of the gun mount in the Royal Swedish Navy´s HMS “Jägaren” boat. The ship´s based trials follow ground trials.

The weapon system is compact, affordable, flexible, remotely controlled and has ability to fire all existing 40mm ammunition.

Bofors Mk 4 is armed with the company´s L/70 40mm cannon and includes fittings such as the elevating system which is the same used in the Royal Swedish Army´s BAE Systems Global Combat Systems CV90 infantry fighting vehicle turret´s, electric drive system, and the automatic ammunition handling system which comprise a primary magazine for 30 rounds and an intermediate magazine for 70 rounds, reloaded directly from below deck.

It can be controlled remotely from the ship´s fire control system by a digital interface which can be Ethernet, CAN Bus or MIL-STD-1553B, locally from any location on the ship or inside the mount using a TV camera for aiming. The gun can also be integrated in a combat management system and controlled from a multi function console.

It has weight of about 2.500 kg, a height of 2 meters, a maximum range of 12.500 meters, elevation between 20º to 80º and a rate of fire of 300 rounds per minute.

As options, it can be equipped with a TV camera and muzzle velocity radar and is able to fire the pre-fragmented programmable guided 3P ammunition. The 6-mode programmable 3P ammunition can be programmed in different function modes providing optimized effect against different types of aerial, surface and coastal ground targets.

The company is considering to build a second system and to apply a similar configuration to its 57mm gun system.

(BAE Systems Global Combat Systems).

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